User-agent switcher and manager

提供User-Agent Switcher and Manager Chrome插件下载和安装教程,,此扩展允许您将浏览器 “用户代理” 字符串可靠地欺骗到自定义字符串。扩展提供了不同浏览器和操作系统的所有知名 “用户代理” 字符串的列表。 注释: 1。您可以从工具栏弹出窗口 2 中设置或重置自定义 “用户代理” 字符串。

The older of the two Firefox addons, User Agent Switcher was last updated in 2011 though retains compatibility with the latest builds of Firefox (at the time of writing, 31.0). At first, we were concerned that it did not work, given that it provided no choices. After some hunting, we were able to find an XML file containing a huge number of user agents.

2019年4月27日 提供User-Agent Switcher and Manager插件下载和安装教程,,此扩展允许您将浏览 器“用户代理” 字符串可靠地欺骗到自定义字符串。扩展提供了 

User Agent Switcher 0.7.3 - Download in italiano User Agent Switcher è un'estensione per Firefox che consente di mascherare il browser di Mozilla, camuffandolo da Internet Explorer, Opera o qualsiasi altro browser. Il vantaggio principale è che sarai in grado di visitare le pagine che consentono l'accesso solo tramite Internet Explorer, qualcosa che continua ad accadere ancora oggi. Alexander Schlarb / User-Agent Switcher · GitLab Hi , is upgrading to 13.0, the next major release, on May 22nd. Learn more about the exciting new features and some breaking changes that will be arriving over the next few days. What Does a Browser User-Agent Switcher Do & …

Vivaldi Browser Help | User Agent Spoofing There are many User Agent spoofing Extensions. Most of them have preconfigured User Agents for very old browsers and are intended for web developer usage. We therefore suggest “ User-Agent Switcher and Manager” because of its comprehensive and up to date list, of pre-configured user agents. After installing “User-Agent Switcher and Manager” click on its icon and select a new User Agent User Agent Switcher & Manager : Spoof User-Agent … This extension allows you to select from dozens of the user-agent strings available for a number of web browser and platforms. After the installation of the User-Agent Switcher & Manager extension you can click on the small icon in the toolbar and choose one of the user-agent strings available. Download User Agent Switcher for Windows … 29/04/2020 · User Agent Switcher is an extension for Firefox that allows you to mask Mozilla's browser, disguising it as Internet Explorer, Opera, or any other browser. The main advantage is that you will be able to visit pages that only allow access with Internet Explorer, something that continues to happen even today. If you need to be using a specific browser to correctly see a page, but don't want to

15/03/2020 · UserAgent-Switcher. A User-Agent spoofer browser extension that is highly configurable! This extension spoofs both the user-agent header and navigator object. User Agent Switcher 0.7.3 - Download in italiano User Agent Switcher è un'estensione per Firefox che consente di mascherare il browser di Mozilla, camuffandolo da Internet Explorer, Opera o qualsiasi altro browser. Il vantaggio principale è che sarai in grado di visitare le pagine che consentono l'accesso solo tramite Internet Explorer, qualcosa che continua ad accadere ancora oggi. Alexander Schlarb / User-Agent Switcher · GitLab Hi , is upgrading to 13.0, the next major release, on May 22nd. Learn more about the exciting new features and some breaking changes that will be arriving over the next few days. What Does a Browser User-Agent Switcher Do & … A user-agent switcher does exactly what it sounds like – it changes the user agent of your browser. A user agent is a string of text that your browser sends to the web server it’s communicating with, which describes the user’s operating system, browser, rendering engine, and other important details. For example, this is the user agent for the latest version of Google Chrome on Windows 10

User Agent Switcher_java_冯建华的专栏-CSDN博客

What is "User-Agent Switcher" extension and how does it work? This extension when activated performs two actions: 1) It overwrites the navigator.userAgent string  17 Mar 2020 Download User-Agent Switcher and Manager for Firefox - Switch your default browser user-agent string to another one of your choice from a  17. März 2020 User-Agent Switcher and Manager für Chrome 0.3.5 Englisch: Die Chrome Extension "User-Agent Switcher and Manager" ermöglicht es Ihnen  Quickly and easily switch between popular user-agent strings. Can save your test results on your local drive or Google Drive from web application. After installing “User-Agent Switcher and Manager” click on its icon and select a new User Agent. It is recommended that you pick a recent Chrome user agent  User-Agent Switcher y Manager. Thisadd ha sido recomendado por el equipo de Firefox y  10 Dec 2019 User-Agent Switcher & Manager extension allows you to select from dozens of user-agent strings available for a number of web browser and 

User Agent Switcher. The User Agent Switcher extension adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of a browser. The extension is available for Firefox, and will run on any platform that this browser supports including Windows, OS X and Linux.

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